Monday, April 4, 2011

1 Month Anniversary!

Hi everyone! Today marks exactly 1 month since I have had Implanon inserted. All in all, I have to say I'm pretty happy with it so far. Here is a quick recap:

I had a few optical migraines in the beginning, but have had NONE since then. (Praise Jesus!)

A cramp or two here and there...

My first period came right on time and was completely normal. The only thing I noticed is slightly more painful cramps, but nothing major.

I am continuing to monitor my hair. At first it was falling out alot, but that was my fault. I wash my hair about once a week and hardly brush it (I've been blessed with mostly-curly/low maintenance hair), so a good amount of hair comes out when I brush it in the shower. I was also using Mane N' Tail Shampoo, which was drying out my poor hair to death and causing further breakage. As of now, I have switched shampoos, avoided heat stying as much as possible, and I am taking Biotin regularly. Hopefully it will continue to improve!

I had a minor scare about 2 weeks after my first period. I had some "pre-period spotting" know, where it isn't red blood but it means the real deal is likely coming? Fortunately, that only lasted for about 2 days. :) I'm due for my next period on April 13th.

About a week ago, I noticed that I was DEFINITELY being a little moody. Not my normal self at all. However, it was Registration Week at school, which added way more stress than was necessary.

Lastly, the scar from the insertion... I mentioned in my last post that I thought this might be a keloid scar, but after some highly intense research (Google!) I discovered that it is in fact a hypertrophic scar. A keloid is much worse. Hypertrophic is no biggie at all, its just raised. I actually have other scars that are raised too...and it's extremely common. I'm not worried. :)

The wedding is next month!! I'm more excited than words can say :)) 

Thanks for reading!